Meditate for your Energy

Today I taught a powerful breath technique in a couple of yoga classes, and after each class students approached me and commented about how profound the experience was for them. One shared that they felt their mind immediately settle and empty out; the other expressed that they felt so present that they were tingly and deeply moved. I shared with each of them that different breath practices can help us to bring in distinct energetic states, whether we want to feel uplifted or calm, connected to the heart or grounded, or a whole plethora of sensations.

Since the classes I’ve been reflecting on how many distinct styles of meditation there are, and how we can choose the technique(s) that promote what we’re wanting to bring into our life. I’ve recently noticed the word ‘meditation’ receiving some blanket statements that don’t recognize how diverse different techniques can be. I’ve heard people describing meditation as ‘emptying the mind out’ or ‘sitting with your thoughts’, and they then go on to describe it as boring.

While it’s true that a component of meditation is to become more aware of your thought patterns and that it may lead to a quieting of the mind, it’s important to emphasize that you can also do meditations that change your energy. There are countless ancient techniques that can be quite active and engaging that can invite in almost anything you could desire: positivity, creativity, confidence, self-love, prosperity, radiance, trust, truth, intuition, removing obstacles, love in a form you can receive, groundedness, connection to earth, contentment, connection to your inner light, etc.

This is part of why it’s helpful to get clear on what you want. This clarity allows you to choose a technique that will bring that energy in every, single day. And having this ‘why’ then inspires you to do the practice consistently, because you’ve chosen something that’s getting you closer to your goals. A technique that’s getting you closer to the version of self you want to be. One where you can feel tangible results in your energy after it’s completed.

I’m truly grateful to have learned so many techniques from my teachers that I’ve gone on to have personal experiences with over the years. I’ve been able to choose daily practices to implement the type of energy I’m needing for the day in order to tackle the challenges life naturally presents. There have been chapters of my life where I needed to feel more uplifted and energized; others with sadness where I craved heart medicine through compassion and self-love. And when I think back to different periods of my life, I often reflect on the daily practice I was doing and how it shifted my frequency in a very particular way.

The truth of being human is that we’re constantly undergoing change. Sometimes we evolve subtly and slowly and sometimes in big and bold ways. But something I love about the journey of yoga and meditation is that it encourages you to practice in a way that brings you into balance and harmony, and recognizes that that could look different every day. What energizes you one day could deplete you the next, which is why paying attention to your internal state is so important.

With so many inspiring people sharing how they’ve “hacked” their own lives, it’s tempting to think that they’ve found the secret formula to health or success or whatever you dream of. But it can also be challenging to weed out the practices that aren’t actually going to create the shifts you crave. Do you want your wellness routine to support sleep, confidence, communication, financial freedom, or something else? Are you desiring mental stability,  increased energy throughout the day, or more love? We all have unique challenges and strengths, different amounts of time to devote to our self-care, and individual seasons of life.

There’s a lot of information out there and a lot of self-care practices that might be helpful for some people but not for you. If you want guidance about how to find practices tailored to your goals and season of life, Deconditioning Guidance sessions or a private are great options. Get clear on your why for self-care and choose habits that actually get you where you want to go.

Stephanie Nally